Discipline of Actions v/s Fate
Fate/ भाग्य
Those things that most of us, most of the time, seek after as being desirable, what we consider will make our lives go well, are things that are not in our power, and thus the hope we have for securing these things is placed in the hands of others or in the hands of fate.
Therefore, is to ‘live according to nature’, which means (a) pursuing a course through life intelligently responding to one’s own needs and duties as a sociable human being, but also (b) wholly accepting one’s fate and the fate of the world as coming directly from the divine intelligence which makes the world the best that is possible. (Accepting what fate brings/ प्रसादबुद्दि )
We should focuses more on accepting what fate/ भाग्य brings, saying that we should anticipate the sorts of things that can happen, so that when they do we will not be surprised and will not be angry. In other situations, anticipation of trouble or misfortune is impossible, but all the same, Human’s will accept their fate as what God has ordained for them, and this to understand that keeping spirit in harmony / सामंजस्य with nature.